
Resource Topic Type
Sample 2 Question Poster
Example of a poster to hang in the clinic for patients and their families
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Trauma Informed Care Toolkit Implementation Tool, PDF
A Guide to Trauma Informed Pediatric Primary Care
The purpose of this document is to serve as a practical guide to implementing trauma-informed care practices in Pediatric primary care clinics.
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Trauma Informed Care Toolkit Implementation Tool, PDF
Facilitating a Quality Improvement Approach to Childhood Adversity Screening in Primary Care: A Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to guide pediatric and family practice primary care clinics and/or quality improvement (QI) organizations to initiate…
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Developmental Screening, Trauma Informed Care Toolkit Implementation Tool, PDF
New Hampshire Children and Teens Experiencing Mental Health Disorders: An Analysis of 2019 Healthcare Claims Data
MCAP funded this analysis of 2019 pediatric medical and pharmacy claims data from commercial and NH Medicaid payers.
Adolescent Health, Mental Health Report
Behavioral Health Referral Directory for Pediatric Primary Care Clinicians
This resource includes a limited directory of behavioral health services in New Hampshire to support pediatric primary care providers in offering…
Mental Health Resource Sheet
NH Teen and Young Adult Well-care Resource Toolkit
Author: Holly Tutko and Hwasun Garin Publication Date: March 2021
Adolescent Health Tool/Resource
LGBTQ+ Resource Guide for Youth and Families
Author: NHPIP Staff Publication Date: September 2018
Adolescent Health Tool/Resource
Developmental Screening Quality Improvement Initiative: Cohort 1
Author: NHPIP Staff Publication Date: October 2016
Developmental Screening Factsheet/Brief
Identifying Priorities for and Strategies to Optimize Oral Preventive Service Delivery in Pediatric Primary Care Settings in NH
Author: NHPIP Staff Publication Date: June 2016
Oral Health White Paper
Report Brief for ADHD: Survey Report NH Pediatrician and Family Physician Practice Patterns, Comfort Level, and Support Needs Relative to Pediatric ADHD
Author: NHPIP Staff Publication Date: December 2017
Mental Health Factsheet/Brief
Integrating Fluoride Varnish into Well-Child Visits for Young Children
Author: NHPIP Staff Publication Date: 2018
Oral Health Report
Addressing Childhood Adversity and Social Determinants in Pediatric Primary Care: Recommendations for New Hampshire
Author: NHPIP Staff Publication Date: May 2018
Adverse Childhood Experiences White Paper
Professional Resilience: Personal and Agency Roles
Video with helpful tips on how to build resilience in your professional life.
Adverse Childhood Experiences Video