Technical Assistance



NH MCAP provides support with any technical assistance needed to access our training, teleconsults, resources, or other initiatives.

    Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) Pilot

    The Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) uses a team-based approach to deliver evidence-based care for children and adolescents with behavioral health needs in the primary care environment. It is shown to improve access, clinical outcomes, and patient satisfaction at a return on investment of 6:1. Our analysis shows this to be a sustainable path to improving access to care in NH, but implementation challenges have impeded uptake. We can help! Partner with us for FREE access to: 

    • Training in CoCM and related practices for all identified team members
    • Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist 1 hr/wk to provide caseload review 
    • Registry tool to track care and outcomes for enrolled population 
    • Technical assistance to support workflow development, change management, and reimbursement. Examples might include development of: 
      • Patient welcome/enrollment packet including script for determining insurance coverage
      • Algorithm for selecting screeners and treatment monitoring tools 
      • Inclusion and exclusion criteria  
      • Billing Guide  
      • Behavioral Health Care manager training guide 
    • Data analysis and evaluation to understand the impact of CoCM on:
      • Care quality and outcomes 
      • Patient satisfaction 
      • Provider satisfaction 
      • Cost 

    We are seeking a pediatric primary care site partner to help us further disseminate Collaborative Care in NH. Partners must employ a designated individual to serve as behavioral health care manager (min. requirement of bachelor’s degree in health-related field such as social work, nursing, psychology). The project will run through September 2026. Click here for more information about how to get involved in the pilot.

    **This page will be updated as implementation materials are developed for public use. **

    Review our Recent Reports:

     In our efforts to better understand the barriers PCPs face in supporting patients with mental health needs, we have developed a number of NH-focused reports.