Trauma-Informed Care in Pediatrics Project

New Hampshire Children’s Health Foundation has provided generous grant funding to the NHPIP to conduct the Trauma-informed Care in Pediatrics Project.  The goals of this project are to:

Increase pediatric general practitioner knowledge about trauma-informed care and existing tools to support addressing trauma in primary care settings.

To achieve this goal, provision of a one-hour training on Trauma-Informed Care is being provided to 12 pediatric primary care practices in targeted geographic areas of the state. 

Support pediatric primary care clinics in using quality improvement principles to pilot process(es) to detect and respond to patients experiencing toxic stress.

Each practice is receiving quality improvement coaching and tools, advanced trainings on trauma-informed care, and access to trauma clinician experts to develop and pilot a workflow to screen for and respond to adverse childhood experiences/trauma at selected well-child care visits. 

While the NHPIP works with the practices over 12 months, the above noted introductory training as well as the advanced trainings will be made available for the public on our resources page. NHPIP has released a Practice Step-by-Step Guide for clinics interested in integrating adversity/trauma screening into their preventive care visits.